Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2014-02-04-Speech-2-027-000"

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"Mr President, I must firstly congratulate both Commissioner Barnier and Ms Gallo on having done such a splendid job. Completion of the digital single market could well add 4% to EU GDP in coming years. Many major initiatives are planned, all of which have the aim of improving access to online marketplaces, functioning of the EU intellectual property regime and establishing the structures necessary to support the digital single market. If we are to capitalise on this potential, we must find agreements on tough political issues and promote efficiency and competitiveness as key drivers for reform. Reform in the copyright sector is one of these major initiatives, and on this file we have been able to find a good political agreement and a strong set of transparency- and efficiency-focused proposals which will deliver growth. Removing barriers to online music services is essential if we are to support more innovation and better services for consumers in this area. We often talk of the need to create tech companies in Europe that rival our American counterparts and even beat them. This is one area where we have such a European-based player, yet even their services are not available in each Member State today. I hope that with this piece of legislation we will change this fact and give rise to a whole new set of innovative companies, promoting choice for consumers and competitiveness in the sector as a whole. Lastly, on the question of collective rights management organisations, I feel the reforms made here will be just as important for the future of rights-holders across the Union. By improving governance and requiring the utmost transparency in their work, CMOs will really deliver for their rights-holders, because if they do not, the market will offer alternative solutions, and that will be easy to assess and compare."@en1

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