Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2014-01-16-Speech-4-312-000"

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"Mr President, we like to tell ourselves in this Chamber that the justification and the boast of the European Union is that we spread democracy, and yet in Kosovo we maintain a protectorate. We have reduced that territory to the state of a satrapy, such as it was in Ottoman times – and why have we done so? Well, I think we all know the answer: because full democracy would result in ethnographic borders, as indeed has happened on the ground. But rather than allow the de facto border to become the de jure one or, to put it more blatantly, rather than allowing people to decide under which government they want to live, we sustain the full apparatus of a foreign government, a dictatorial state, in which we deny the people the right to self-determination. I am afraid we do it because, if we admitted that people want to live within their own language groups, the intellectual justification of the entire European project would collapse. You can have national sovereignty, you can have democracy, or on the other hand you can have federalism. It is increasingly clear that you cannot have both."@en1

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