Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-04-16-Speech-2-517-000"

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"Madam President, firstly I would like to compliment Mr Draghi on the very good job he has done since coming into office. I think that most independent observers would agree that he has lived up to his statement about doing whatever was necessary to save the euro. He has done this and has probably frightened off some ego-inflated economists and speculators, which was a good thing. Having said that, I would like to ask him a few questions à propos this report: Amendment 1 speaks about stimulating the SME sector. I would like to ask him if he is in favour of that, and what can be done to do this within his remit? Also, since coming into office he has reduced interest rates, which has been widely welcomed. However, despite speculation, this has not happened in recent times. Has he any plans to reduce interest rates in the immediate future, and if not, why not? Thirdly, there is a lot of speculation that, while one sector of society is suffering, another sector which has money is actually saving money despite the low interest rates. Does he believe that this is true, and what can be done to encourage those who are saving to spend in the real economy, which is absolutely vital? Also, I welcome the fact that he has come here today to be accountable before us. Does he think that the Troika – which is now probably more famous in Ireland than Bono, despite the fact that probably nobody knows who they are – should also be brought before Parliament to make them accountable? The final question concerns suggestions that there was political interference from the ECB in forcing the Irish Government to give the disastrous blanket bank guarantee in 2008, which has meant that the Irish taxpayer has picked up 42% of the debt of the banks. Is this true or is it not? Finally, if he had a magic wand and could broaden his mandate, how broad would he make it?"@en1

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