Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-03-12-Speech-2-071-000"

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"Mr President, racism, xenophobia and hate crime have at times formed a dark part of Europe’s history, yet the fight against them is something which lies at the very heart of what the European Union does best. This is an area where we must never believe that the job is done. It is something which we must constantly re-examine, address and take action on. Europe is facing a time of social, economic and security challenges, and during such times people look for someone to blame and for things to be afraid of. This uncertainty and fear is often then fed upon by populism and our media. That is why politicians must not be afraid to talk about the issue, to keep educating and to realise that addressing racism and inequalities is not about creating more legislation, but about achieving real equality in hearts and minds and by bringing religions and communities together. However, condemning a whole nation – as some people seem to be doing this morning – for the views of a few citizens is simply not acceptable. We do not want to hear the arguments this morning relating to either political positions or attitudes to individual countries that are members of this Union. We want to talk about the subject. I hope I have done so, and I hope others will do so during the course of this debate."@en1

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