Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-02-05-Speech-2-036-000"

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lpv:document identification number
lpv:spoken text
"Mr President, I would like, along with everyone else, to pay tribute to the Commissioner, to the rapporteur, and indeed to the shadows and everybody on the Committee on Fisheries who have been working so hard on this report. If you listened to the debate in the Chamber today, you would think that tomorrow’s vote in plenary was a bit of a done deal. The voices in support of the report are strong, and it looks as though it is all going to be plain sailing. Well, this is simply not the case. We in the Chamber now are a self-selected group of interested people. I want to talk to those Members of the plenary who are not here in the Chamber. I want to say something to them that I hope they will listen to. Do not listen to the siren call of the EPP amendment for a 10 % allowance on discards. This is being promoted as pragmatic. It is not pragmatic. It is unambitious and it is downright dangerous. Stick to the vote in the committee and hold the line. We know that we can do it with discards. We have proven it in the south west of England. Millions of us demand the change…"@en1

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