Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-11-22-Speech-4-332-937"

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"The ‘mutual defence clause’ in the Treaty of Lisbon turns the EU into an alliance with stronger military ties; the ‘solidarity clause’ paves the way for military interventions within the EU. The explicit ‘obligation’ to react ‘by all means’ in case of aggression against a Member State even goes beyond NATO’s mutual assistance clause, since non-armed attacks are also covered. Under the solidarity clause, military support is also demanded in case of terror attacks and natural or man-made disasters (the scope of this clause is not clearly defined: does it cover social unrest resulting from strikes or protests?), which implies military operations within the EU. Cyber attacks, pandemics and energy shortages can also lead to activation of the solidarity clause. This report is inseparable from the crisis in the EU, the pillage of countries such as Portugal, the exploitation of workers and the general public, the clawback of rights, loss of sovereignty, and backward steps in terms of political and democratic freedoms. However, at the same time, it is inseparable from the increasing struggle, and fear, of the capitalist monopolies, and the political forces that serve them, with regard to the rise in popular emancipation processes."@en1

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