Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-10-23-Speech-2-519-609"

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"I welcome the EP’s approval of the proposal to allocate EUR 2.7 million to help over 400 ex-Talk Talk workers made redundant in 2011 to retrain, return to education or establish their own businesses. The Talk Talk application is possibly the last EGF application to come from Ireland, at least until the end of 2013, given last year’s decision by a blocking minority of Member States to veto the extension of the EGF ‘crisis derogations’ until the end of 2013. The EGF can help workers who have been made redundant to stay in the labour market and must continue after 2013 as an instrument available to all workers. In its 23 October resolution on the 2014-20 MFF, the EP rightly placed considerable emphasis on continuing the EGF after 2013. I do welcome the recent Cyprus Presidency proposals to continue the EGF after 2013 though I am concerned that it is proposing to cap spending at EUR 245 million per annum, down from the Commission’s proposed EUR 429 million per annum. The Council must remember that the EP’s consent is required for the 2014-20 MFF and ensuring an effective EGF is a key priority for the Irish Labour MEPs."@en1

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