Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-10-23-Speech-2-293-000"

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"Today we are debating an excellent protocol to the EU-Israel cooperation agreement. Israel is a high-tech country with a tremendous industrial structure, making the country the technological jewel of the Middle East. It is in fact the jewel of the Middle East in many ways. With respect to certification and standardisation, it is completely on an equal footing with Western countries. For that reason alone, this protocol is of course hugely important for the EU. It will bring the vast potential of high-end products from Israel within the reach of European citizens. It is no mere chance that all of the computers in the world have some Israeli component in them and keeping in touch online would never have happened without the Israeli computer industry. Another reason to strengthen trade relations with the Jewish state of Israel is, of course, its unrelenting struggle against terrorism from the Gaza Strip and terrorism in Israel itself. Qassam rockets are fired daily at Israeli citizens, women and children, and in Judea and Samaria Jewish residents are bombarded with fire bombs. Mr President, I also wish to ask the Commission to recognise Jerusalem as the only and undivided capital of the Jewish state of Israel and to request that the Commission establish the EU Embassy there, where it belongs, in Jerusalem, which is and which must remain Israeli from east to west."@en1

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