Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-10-Speech-4-360-000"

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"The 2010 discharge procedure included the preparation of the annual report on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests and the fight against fraud. As shadow rapporteur for the motion, I support the rapporteur, who provided an appropriate presentation of the efforts made in 2010 by the European Commission, OLAF and the Member States to protect the Community’s financial interests and strengthen the regularity of the use of Community resources. The report also gives an accurate description of those areas where further steps need to be taken or where the efforts made so far have been unsuccessful. 2010 saw an increase in the number of irregularities discovered in almost all budgetary areas, the sole exception being the pre-accession funds and traditional own resources. In relation to the expenditure side of the whole budget, the ratio of irregularities resulting from fraud rose from 0.13% to 0.34%. In 2009, cases of fraud accounted for only EUR 180 million, whereas in 2010, this figure increased to EUR 478 million. The highest number of irregularities reported occur in the implementation phase, while in terms of value, they are highest in the selection and procurement phases. A more transparent and more flexible public procurement system could prevent an enormous number of errors. It is the duty of the Commission to implement the reform of the public procurement system. I supported the adoption of the report at both the Committee vote and the vote in plenary."@en1

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