Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-04-17-Speech-2-216-000"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, I, too, would like to extend my sincere thanks to Ms Jäätteenmäki and Commissioner Füle for their cooperation. I would like to thank the co-rapporteurs for their help, constructive comments and amendments as well as for a straightforward and rational dialogue concerning these reports. After hearing all the interventions during today’s debate, I would like to say that there is a common thread that links them all: we are all saying and emphasising the fact that the European Union should strengthen its relations with the Southern Caucasus, that the EU should have a greater presence there and that it should show greater determination in building good relations with the countries in the Southern Caucasus region. I believe that these reports will be helpful in building good relations and good contacts with the Southern Caucasus and that this will be advantageous both for the countries in that region and for the whole of the European Union. Certainly from my point of view, as the rapporteur of this report on Armenia, the upcoming elections on 6 May will constitute a real test of the Armenian authorities – a test of their will, desire, ambition and determination to create good relations with the European Union. If these elections are free, transparent and fair – and I believe they will be – this would be an important sign that this country really is taking its obligations seriously, obligations aimed at an association agreement, which would serve the interests of both the European Union and Armenia, being signed as soon as possible. Once again, I would like to thank you for the assistance provided during the preparation of the report. I believe that tomorrow, when voting takes place, all of us in this Chamber will be able to say that this was an objective report, a report that provides a true picture of the situation in Armenia and in the surrounding region."@en1

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