Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-03-28-Speech-3-224-000"

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"Mr President, many thanks to all my fellow Members and to Commissioner Malmström for their speeches. I should now like to say a few words about the future of the programme for resettling refugees in the European Union. I am very happy to see that the next financial perspective of the European Union, proposed by the Commission, adopted the majority of the ideas that we have been discussing in recent years: modulation between Member States so as to encourage more Member States to resettle refugees, the creation of a resettlement unit in the European Asylum Support Office and, I would say, the inclusion of some intelligence and sensitivity in resettlement policies, which cannot be solely based on a budgetary fund. Clearly, moreover, I fully support the Commission’s use of Article 80 on solidarity as the legal basis. We consider it unacceptable that certain Member States in the Council did not want Article 80 cited as the legal basis for this type of instrument. Should we, in the end, be asking who in the European Union is afraid of solidarity? I shall now use the minute remaining to me to ask the public too to play their part: firstly, they should persuade the Member States to resettle refugees by telling them that now there is money for resettlement, that there are new rules, and that there is EU-level aid for doing things that would be expensive individually but are cheaper when done together. Secondly, they should support NGOs working in this area and the UN Refugee Agency. I would also ask them to find out more about how laws are made in the European Union and do something about this co-indecision process, under which there is so often deadlock over European law between Parliament and the Council. Without deadlines, a codecision is not a codecision, it is simply an excuse for using a stealth veto. Finally, they should remember that, as we Europeans have been so many times in our history, a refugee is a normal person in very difficult circumstances; it is someone who has already risked their life when they were thrown out of their house. We will not allow that to happen again, or even worse allow them to fall into the hands of human traffickers. Please, help us too to complete our work and to double or triple the number of refugees resettled in the European Union soon."@en1

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