Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-03-13-Speech-2-388-125"

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"The Bologna process has, in fact, made no progress for several years. The aim of creating a European Higher Education Area has remained a vision. It is high time that concrete measures are taken concerning the recognition of diplomas and degrees. In order to achieve this, we need to promote freedom of movement within national university systems, because in Austria, for example, students’ qualifications are often recognised in one province and not in another. In addition, the Bologna process cannot be implemented without incurring additional costs, which means providing financial support for the universities. The money should be used to develop national education systems further, so that we can fully exploit the potential of the European Higher Education Area. In addition, we urgently need to reduce the amount of red tape. For example, in order to get a place at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, prospective students first have to overcome the hurdle of access restrictions on medical courses and then demonstrate that they have studied the relevant subjects (physics, biology and maths) in their last two years at school. However, these additional points will only be recognised if the school-leaving certificate confirms that the student has studied these subjects. Other official certificates are not recognised, purely for bureaucratic and discriminatory reasons. As Austrian and French school-leaving certificates do not contain this information, students from these countries are put at a disadvantage and this amounts to discrimination. As the report does not mention this, I have abstained from voting."@en1

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