Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-03-12-Speech-1-125-000"

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"Much progress has already been achieved over gender equality in the European Union. An improvement can be seen particularly in the wording of legislation. Genuine equality, however, has not yet been achieved. There are enormous disparities in this area. While equal pay for equal work with equal qualifications has become the norm in multinational corporations and conglomerates, gender stereotypes prevail in regional or rural areas, leading to almost absolute inequality between women and men. Member States and EU bodies should focus mainly on the labour market in these areas. Gender equality can be achieved in the future only if women have equal access to the labour market today, and if they get the same pay for the same work. The establishment of a family and the responsibilities of motherhood appear to be an insurmountable problem for the inclusion of women in work. Young women are often discriminated against when starting their first job, as employers are concerned about the future interruptions to work due to childbirth. I am therefore calling for a search for new options for supporting women when returning to work after maternity leave. The second substantial problem is the insufficient financial value placed on social work and care for close relatives in hospital or in old age. Here too we must look for new ways to support women, because they are almost the only ones who care for close relatives."@en1

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