Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-03-12-Speech-1-066-000"

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"Madam President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, it is customary that we take stock of developments in the field of equal opportunities every year, and very often we are faced with criticism for not having anything new to report. The fact is that not much can change over the course of one year and so there are not too many new developments for us to report every year. The only news we always have is that once again everything remains unchanged. Although changes are underway, and I have to say that, on the whole, we are witnessing positive changes, they are not always steady and not always unidirectional. We cannot even claim to have statistical support for them because the fact is that we are very often working with provisional and incomplete statistics. The latest statistics on the pay gap, from 2010, are now tabled before us, and they are incomplete; data on two countries are missing. When discussing these figures we must therefore be aware of the extent of their inaccuracy. One thing I would like to note in this respect is that while we are talking about inequality between men and women, this issue, too, is an extremely complex one. In fact, very often it is not about the differences between men and women in general, but more about the differences between men and women when it comes to being parents. This is perfectly apparent when we look at the pay gap, and from that point on it indeed becomes a serious social issue with farther-reaching implications than the differences in pay themselves. I would like to point out that very often we fail to make use of the means provided by European legislation, whereas other times we stray into areas where it is the principle of subsidiarity that should apply. My question to the Commissioner is whether she intends to look into the issue of equal opportunities institutions in greater detail, because it would seem that they are not really fulfilling their functions. Thank you very much."@en1

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