Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-02-14-Speech-2-403-000"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, I would like to contest the method used in this agreement on which we will be voting next Thursday, because we can no longer continue with bilateral agreements. Instead we need multilateral negotiations capable of giving us far broader feedback that is possible with a single agreement. Every time we enter into bilateral agreements it is always European farmers who pay the price. In this case too it seems to me that the cost is too high, and therefore I will be voting against the agreement, one reason also being that it does not contain a reciprocity clause, a fundamental component – and of course Parliament cannot make amendments to it. We are opening up our market when there is still duty on the export of meat and other products from Europe to Morocco. Furthermore, reciprocity also presupposes compliance with manufacturing conditions and guarantees for European consumers. Instead of which we are opening up our market without giving European consumers sufficient guarantees, and putting farmers in southern Europe into situations of great hardship, especially those in Mediterranean areas. I will therefore vote against the agreement."@en1

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