Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-12-15-Speech-4-274-875"

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"Each year 168 000 people die and over seven million are injured from work-related accidents in Europe. In addition to these individual personal tragedies, the economic costs of these accidents represent a huge burden on our societies, up to 5.9% of GDP according to the rapporteur. I am disappointed that neither the Commission’s mid-term revision of the current strategy nor the 2009 Scoreboard provided any clear information on the state of play at Member State level of the only quantified aim set in the current strategy, namely a 25% reduction in workplace accidents by 2012. The economic crisis cannot be used to undermine health and safety, particularly among SMEs or self-employed workers; all workers are entitled to the protection of their health and safety in their workplace. We need to develop a better culture of prevention. As recommended by the ILO, Member States must meet the target of one inspector for every 10 000 workers. I would encourage the Commission to come forward with an ambitious strategy for the EU after 2012, particularly in the areas of new risks, work-related stress and the protection of whistleblowers."@en1

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