Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-12-13-Speech-2-591-000"

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"Mr President, I would like to warmly thank Mr Newton Dunn for all the effort he has put in – together with the Hungarian and Polish Presidencies and all the shadow rapporteurs – on this work which affects all of our daily lives. These are some of the most important issues which a legislator must oversee in the best way possible. As Mr Newton Dunn has already mentioned, this regulation aims at amending a regulation from 2004, the so-called detergent regulation, with the aim of harmonising the phosphate content in laundry detergents and household automatic dishwasher detergents across the European Union. That is why I used the phrase ‘daily life’. Following the limitations outlined in the regulation, expenditure on phosphate removal from waste water treatment plants will fall, since the chemicals needed to remove phosphates will be required in smaller quantities. Furthermore, the EU will improve surface water quality in regions where tertiary treatment in waste water treatment plants is not, or is not yet, in place. I am very pleased that Parliament and the Council support the Commission’s proposal to limit the phosphate content in household laundry detergents and I warmly welcome the amendment which will see the content expressed in ‘grams per standard washing dose’, since this will be an incentive to innovation and to more compact formulas being produced. Parliament and the Council have also decided now to include limitations on the maximum phosphate content in household automatic dishwasher detergents to come into force from 1 January 2017. The Commission will present a report to examine whether the maximum content and the date of entry into force of the regulations regarding detergents for dishwashers are technically and economically achievable for all operators in the European Union without having negative repercussions for consumers or for the environment. On the basis of this report, and if deemed necessary, the Commission will be in a position to present a new proposal. In a spirit of compromise and with the aim of allowing the adoption of the regulation at first reading, the Commission may accept the compromise text, although it does contain some content which moves some way from the original proposal. In particular, the Commission regrets the fact that by now including maximum content limits for household automatic dishwasher detergents, the principles which encourage ‘better regulation’ and ‘evidence-based policy making’ have not been followed. Given this, we thought it was best to release a statement to this effect. To conclude, the Commission can also accept all the compromise amendments and is happy that, thanks to the cooperative attitude of both institutions – Parliament and the Council – it has been possible to achieve an agreement at first reading. Finally, I would just like to enter the debate which followed Mr Newton Dunn’s speech to confirm that the Commission’s proposal on fertilisers is planned for 2012 and that phosphates will not be the only or the main issue addressed in the proposal. An impact assessment is currently under way and will soon reach its conclusion."@en1

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