Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-12-01-Speech-4-337-000"

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"In its proposal to recast the regulation on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, the Commission is seeking to extend its delegated powers. The rapporteur rightly believes that the scope of the proposed delegation of powers is too broad. He therefore proposes that this scope be limited, while at the same time ensuring that the financial burden imposed on statistical respondents and the Member States is also limited. This regulation ensures that EU rules are clear and readily understandable, in particular, with respect to statistical data on vehicles, routes and goods. Member States shall transmit to Eurostat every quarter duly verified individual data corresponding to the aforementioned variables. The proposed approach is identical to the one that has been followed in relation to statistical information on tourism, which has recently been adopted, and which we believe to be appropriate. The usefulness of having reliable statistics which help in drawing up sectoral public policies is thus compatible with not overburdening respondents."@en1

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