Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-11-16-Speech-3-528-000"

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"Madam President, Commissioner, although this reports only deals with the redefinition of the Euratom Framework Programme over the next two years, with the objective of temporarily realigning the two European Research Framework Programmes, it is important to take into account that, since 2006, when the current Euratom programme was approved, two events of great significance have occurred: the nuclear accident at Fukushima and the announcement by several European countries that the useful life of power stations will not be extended. Contrary to how it may first appear, the medium-term prospect of dismantling nuclear power stations in some EU countries does not mean we should cut back on nuclear research. Even if all the nuclear power stations were to close tomorrow, we would still have to manage the waste, improve how it is stored and decontaminated, and reduce the volume, among many other issues that have already been mentioned and which require sufficient investment in research and development. For that reason, to be able to provide answers to these significant challenges, it is also vital that the best scientists continue to be involved in nuclear research. Investing in the training of human capital is therefore also of the utmost importance and something that is also considered in the Euratom Programme. On the other hand, if one thing is clear after Fukushima, it is that the scientific basis for taking on the risks of operating the power station was not solid enough, which shows the importance of guaranteeing the safety of the reactors that are currently in use and the safety of the spent fuel cycle through the results of an in-depth, rigorous investigation; more than enough reasons to support the need to strengthen these lines of research in the current Euratom Framework Programme. Finally, Commissioner, I too should like to mention the urgent need to find a definitive solution for the funding of the ITER programme, a solution which, as the report clearly states, does not mean a reallocation of funds from the Seventh Framework Programme, but rather an increase in the Multiannual Financial Framework for the years 2012-2013, by increasing the ceiling of heading 1a. Madam President, Commissioner, with respect to the ITER project, our group wishes for a sensible compromise to be reached with the Council as soon as possible, which allows for the early adoption of this dossier."@en1

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