Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-25-Speech-2-360-500"

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"The proper functioning of the public procurement market throughout the EU is of fundamental importance for stimulating economic competition and innovation in the single market. I support the idea of supranational public procurement. Unified European public procurement rules are making a big contribution towards increasing transparency and equal treatment, but additional simplification of the rules and elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy is needed, so that small and medium-sized enterprises can also gain access. The challenge for Member States is still to transpose European rules into national legislation, and to provide sufficient professional training, as public procurement requires a high level of professionalism. Public procurement must not lead to a lowering of environmental and social standards. I take the view that the criterion of lowest price should no longer be the determining one for the award of contracts, and that it should, in general, be replaced by the criterion of most economically advantageous tender, in terms of economic, social and environmental benefits – taking into account the entire life-cycle costs of the relevant goods, services or works. The submitted report presents the main principles by which public procurement should be governed in future, and which I am happy to support with my vote."@en1

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