Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-12-Speech-3-232-000"

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"Madam President, I am rather confused this evening in this plenary Chamber. I heard some colleagues from the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) passing judgments. I am sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but we are in a parliamentary chamber. If so many of you wish to pass judgments, quit Parliament and go and become judges, and you can pass as many judgments as you want, whether in approval or disapproval. I do not want my words to be taken the wrong way. I am not taking a position on whether Ms Tymoshenko from Ukraine is guilty or innocent. I had the honour of meeting her a year ago. However, I know my place. I am an MEP and cannot issue judgments. You maintain that no pressure must be exerted on the Ukrainian judicial system, and I agree with this. This is why we should stop exerting this pressure. However, colleagues, make no mistake. If a person has stolen EUR 100 and is brought to justice, then a politician who has caused billions of euro of damage to his or her people must also be brought to justice. Accountability cannot just be political."@en1

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