Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-28-Speech-3-055-000"

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"Mr President, Mr Barroso, you have called for a renaissance of the European idea. I believe that we agree that the European idea is good, but it requires a new foundation and a new profile to explain why we need Europe and also more Europe in the 21st century. As the Chair of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, one thing is clear to me. Europe must become a stability union from an environmental perspective and not just from a financial perspective. Young people understand above all that with 9 billion of us living on the planet by the middle part of the century, we will be fighting for energy, raw materials and food. Therefore, let us establish a European pact for environmental stability which includes energy efficiency, the efficient use of resources and sustainability. We have started to do this and it must not be allowed to get lost or be given a lower priority during the crisis. These problems will not go away. They will remain and they may even become more pronounced. Please encourage the whole of the Commission to make progress with the environmental profile of the EU. We will have the young people of Europe behind us."@en1

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