Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-27-Speech-2-546-000"

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"Mr President, Mr Juncker, I would like to return to matters concerning Greece. It appears that this year, Greek budgetary expenditure will increase by over 8%, which means that the country’s deficit will increase by the same amount. Therefore, there is no room for savings, which form the basis for the rescue package which has been accepted. The Greek Minister for Finance recently admitted that the main cause of his country’s problems in implementing the accepted reforms is the lack of an effective state apparatus and tax administration system. Taking into consideration the fact that the creation of an appropriate system could take several years, I would like to ask if there is any chance at all of success for the Greek rescue package. You mentioned our generation’s responsibility. Would it not be worth making more mention of Irish society, which is being very responsible and is actually benefiting from the help it has been given? Would it not be worth entering into discussions with Greece and trying to explain to them that their whole society is responsible for the situation in which it finds itself?"@en1

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