Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-27-Speech-2-024-000"

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"Madam President, Ms Gardini explained quite clearly in her preamble that this is about solidarity, subsidiarity and, I would add, effectiveness. It is true, as has been said, that the frequency of disasters in the European Union is on the increase, which is why it is important to be able to unite our efforts or, in other words, pool them. In fact, this idea is entirely based on Michel Barnier’s excellent report of 2006, in which he called for the European Union to allow a number of the resources at its disposal to be pooled, so as to create a sort of European civil protection force that would enable these resources to be brought together and to provide a quicker and more effective response. This would allow us to make use of our most sophisticated technology. We have both the Galileo and the GMES programmes and we also have telecommunications, which enable us to access critical information quickly and, hence, always respond as promptly as possible. With regard to telecommunications, I should like to take this opportunity to remind people of the benefit of the European emergency number that we sought to create, 112, which has the power to save the lives of thousands of Europeans every day. It is crucial that this number be communicated more effectively to our fellow citizens so that they can be aware of the resources which are available to them. The report by Ms Gardini therefore proves we can make a radical difference without overhauling existing structures, but rather by pooling resources, paying careful attention, of course, that subsidiarity is respected, and that this can be done without creating inadequate and costly structures. We are calling for the European Commission to ensure the proper coordination of those resources. Commissioner, you said that you were expecting Parliament’s support on this and you can count on us to have it."@en1

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