Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-14-Speech-3-449-000"

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"Mr President, in the Middle East we are 60 seconds to midnight. Members do not need me to rehearse the conflicts that are under way and those bubbling under the surface. The Arab Spring and its potential for a great leap forward can only be fully realised when the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and occupation is resolved. In this regard, Europe has to be consistent if we are to retain any shred of credibility with those who are struggling to construct a better way of governing themselves and providing a better life for their children. We all know that a negotiated two-state solution is the optimum solution. Palestinians decided over 20 years ago to accept a Palestinian state on the 1967 Green Line – 22% of their historic homeland – with Jerusalem as a shared capital with Israel. Despite this historic compromise, Israel’s current leadership refuses to engage, demanding negotiations without Palestinian preconditions, while laying down its own preconditions, such as continued colonisation of Palestinian land, and rejecting President Obama’s basis for negotiations. President Abbas therefore has no option but to make a broad appeal to the international community, through the United Nations, in order to maintain his non-violent, political and diplomatic strategy for an end to the conflict. All EU Member States support the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 lines, and we have agreed that the PA is ready for statehood, so no major principle is involved. By voting for an upgrading of the state of Palestine in the United Nations, we will, however, reinforce the non-violent strategy of President Abbas. To do otherwise will shred our reputation in the region. I urge the European External Action Service to strain every sinew to negotiate a resolution with the Palestinians which unites EU Member States in support of President Abbas’s initiative, which reassures both Palestinians and Israelis regarding their core concerns, and which seeks to create the potential for revived, time-limited final status negotiations. That could possibly stop the clock."@en1

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