Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-14-Speech-3-312-000"

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"With the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon on 1 December 2009, national parliaments play a bigger role in ensuring respect for the principle of subsidiarity. While a considerable number of contributions and reasoned opinions have been received so far, the exact modalities of this innovation, in particular the scope and content of the contributions, are still being worked out and calibrated. Parliament has thus far received over 300 submissions from national parliaments and it would be proper for it to take this opportunity to pronounce itself on the effective functioning of the systems put in place inside Parliament to accommodate this innovation and to identify any shortcomings and suggest improvements. The necessity of correlation tables accompanying the transposition of directives by Member States must be emphasised and Parliament should be innovative in coming up with incentives to make this happen for every single piece of legislation. Real political leadership is required from all institutions and the Member States in order to strengthen the smart regulation agenda, but the Commission plays a key role in maintaining this issue high on the political agenda. I think it is appropriate that Parliament should at the same time investigate methods to increase its commitment to smart regulation, for instance by making use of inter-committee meetings."@en1

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