Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-647-000"

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"Well, Mr Kelly, I have already spoken about the TalkTalk case earlier; I can just add that the existing forms of EU support using the European Social Fund and the Globalisation Adjustment Fund might also be relevant if the Irish authorities request this. I believe these are possible ways. Ireland has been using the EGF quite well. This door is open and I would like to ensure that the crisis delegations continue after this year until the end of this period. In the next financial framework, too, the EGF will preserve the capacity to support workers in such difficult cases. There is another element which I should perhaps mention in the context of restructuring: the role of social dialogue and the social partners in cases. I also think it is important not just to speak with the European social partners but perhaps the non-European ones as well – AmCham for example – or rather foreign investors to ensure that there is sufficient understanding of what it means in the EU to follow certain norms, certain standards and certain legislation, and to develop this business culture and social model together."@en1

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