Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-447-000"

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lpv:spoken text
"I am pleased with the text we have voted in today with this report. This report comes too late to save the lives of the 11 workers killed on the Transocean platform in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, or undo all the environmental damage wrought by the disaster. However, with this report, we hope we have made a difficult and dangerous business safer and more secure. Oil and gas exploration in European waters or elsewhere is not the only answer to solve Europe’s energy mix, but it is vital to securing a diversified energy mix and thousands of British and European jobs. With the amendments I put down, supported by other groups, which called for protection of workers, especially whistleblowers and trade union representation and independent safety representatives, we have achieved a clear signal that those who put their lives at risk to secure Europe’s oil and gas supply deserve better protection to avoid the horrible accidents of the all-too-recent past. I am also immensely glad that a harmful moratorium on deep-sea drilling, put forward by the Greens, was heavily defeated; this would achieve nothing but heavier dependence on imported oil and put jobs at risk."@en1

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