Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-441-000"

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"In the future, the EU’s own production of oil and gas will become increasingly important. Already 90% of our oil and 60% of our gas is produced via offshore operations within the EU. The majority of the operations are based in the North Sea, with Norway leading the field. After the last major oil disaster off the US coast, there were many calls for safety standards to be improved. However, the EU is already significantly ahead of the US in this respect. Insisting on static measures within the EU would be pointless, moreover, because we need to take into consideration the different technical and regional circumstances that exist. Nonetheless, the rapporteur calls for a constructive exchange of expert opinions within the EU in order to further optimise the safety of offshore operations. Those working in the operations should be included in this, because nobody knows the local circumstances better and they are likely to have the most pertinent know-how. I voted in favour of the report since the EU’s offshore operations should offer the best possible level of safety in the oil production sector, so that disasters are avoided in the first place."@en1

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