Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-440-250"

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lpv:translated text
"This report stresses the need for each Member State to implement a national legislative package to monitor offshore oil and gas activities in the EU. These measures are necessary in order to ensure that offshore oil and gas exploration is carried out properly, that the industry will continue to prosper in these times of crisis without any disruption to the fuel market, and that public well-being will not be harmed. I believe that the provisions of this report are of great importance in terms of the debating of safety measures at all levels for offshore oil and gas activities in the Member States, so as to prevent environmental disasters, which do not respect the land or sea borders of any country. There is therefore a need for an independent body to monitor regularly the effectiveness and proper workings of the oil companies and the preventive measures they take. This report also tackles and clarifies issues relating to the extraction and transportation of offshore oil and gas deposits."@en1

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