Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-433-625"

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"Broadening the scope of environmental liability: that is what the report we have just adopted is all about. Making offshore platforms safe is a vital challenge that must be met: we all remember the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico caused by the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon platform in April 2010. A huge amount of damage was caused to the surrounding flora and fauna. As with every other disaster, we said ‘Never again’, but in practice, everything remains to be done: operators must present effective contingency plans before being authorised to exploit new oil or gas fields. Another thing that we must ensure as a matter of urgency is that operators are financially liable for any accidents that occur. In this respect, we could have done better in this report, but the principle was voted for: operators must prove that they have sufficient financial resources to compensate for any damage caused to the environment. The ‘polluter pays’ principle ought to be applied to them. Indeed, it is high time operators managed the consequences of their activities."@en1

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