Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-350-000"

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"I voted in favour of this report because gender differences in socio-economic status are largely rooted in the traditional gender division of roles, where men are considered to bear the primary responsibility for breadwinning and women for unpaid housework and family care, including wider family care, which has a huge impact on women’s ability, compared with men’s, to accumulate social security entitlements, for example, for retirement, and consequently their situation in old age, particularly in the event of divorce, separation or being widowed. Furthermore, women are more likely to have slower, shorter and/or interrupted careers due to maternity leave, or having to care for elderly relatives or disabled family members, and lower average earnings than men, because there is still a gap between what men and women are paid for the same jobs, and consequently, women receive smaller pensions, increasing their risk of poverty in old age. The European Parliament therefore calls on the Commission and the Member States to establish without delay a comprehensive, multi-dimensional, gender-sensitive and age-friendly approach to employment and social policies in order to guarantee employment and social inclusion of women. Furthermore, it calls on the Commission and the Member States to also carry out an in-depth review of the situation of the generation of older women who are already living in poverty and to speedily take appropriate, effective measures to take these women out of poverty."@en1

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