Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-250-375"

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"This report, drafted by our fellow Member, Mr Glante, concerns the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the detailed rules for access to the public regulated service (PRS) offered by the global navigation satellite system established under the Galileo programme. The PRS is one of the services made available by the European satellite navigation system, Galileo. It is a service similar to the traditional Global Positioning System, but about ten times more accurate. The Member States, the Council, the Commission and, subject to certain conditions, EU agencies, international organisations and non-member countries have access to it. The Commission proposal under consideration puts forward a detailed regulatory framework for access to the PRS, and the administration and supervision of users, given the need to guarantee the security of its operations for political and strategic reasons. Given the specific nature of this service, I agree with the rapporteur’s position that there is a need to create a mechanism – Competent PRS Authority – that will prevent the violation of security standards. I am voting for this report, and I hope that it will be another instrument at the service of Europeans and that it will contribute to improving their quality of life."@en1

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