Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-245-750"

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"The priority given by local authorities to major local development projects raises the issue of addressing their impact on the environment. This is even more the case when these projects are implemented through public/private partnerships, either because of their technical complexity or because of the diminishing public funds available to them. I am therefore delighted that our Parliament has taken up this issue and is reaffirming the ‘polluter pays’ principle at this time. I feel that it is no longer possible to compromise when it comes to protecting our environment, our quality of life or our health. However, some of these projects are likely to have a real impact on the population, biodiversity and our living environment, and it is up to us to emphasise the precautionary principle and set up a suitable liability and compensation system. To my mind, this method should be used from development right up to implementation; public consultations should be organised, and risks, alternatives and ways of eliminating any risks to the environment and to the population should be taken into account."@en1

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