Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-07-06-Speech-3-346-875"

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"The excellent report by my colleague, Mrs Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, highlights the fact that women currently only make up around 10% of board members in major EU listed companies and 3% of CEOs in those companies. In the light of this worrying inequality, Europe has a duty to take action – if necessary by force. The European Commission has announced plans to propose legislation in 2012 that will set a target of 30% for female representation in corporate governing bodies by 2015 and 40% by 2020. It is now Parliament’s turn to express its support for these binding targets if companies fail to improve the proportion of women in these bodies of their own volition. For this reason, I have, of course, voted in favour of the report. However, we do also need to fight to promote equal career development and a better balance between work and family life for all women, no matter what their position in the hierarchy, their qualifications and social standing may be."@en1

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