Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-07-06-Speech-3-034-000"

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"Mr President, Mr Tusk, you spoke eloquently of European values today, Mr Tusk. I would like the Polish Presidency to be a success. This will only be possible, however, if you and your government respect those values in practice – values such as freedom of speech, freedom of the media and the right of opposition – and not just say nice things about them. It is under your government in Poland that journalists have been dismissed from public media in large numbers only because they were critical of the government. It was your government which applied to a court for what would, in fact, have meant the closure of the most prestigious and most often-quoted daily newspaper in Poland . Why? It was critical of the government. Not long ago, a British shareholder felt forced to sell its shares in the newspaper precisely because of this pressure. Recently too in Poland, special service agents with live firearms entered the flat of a student to intimidate him and seize his computer, just because he was using the Internet to run a website which was critical of the authorities. The Polish Presidency can be a success, but only when you and your government really respect the values of which you spoke so eloquently today. It is time to stop talking and start doing."@en1

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