Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-07-06-Speech-3-018-000"

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"Mr President, in replying to Mr Tusk, having listened to his words this morning, I have to ask him this. In an age when the gap between ordinary voters and the European political class grows wider by the day, just what planet are you on? Why the pretence that everything is going incredibly well? The EU is mired in deep structural crisis. Greece, Portugal and Ireland cannot survive inside the euro. The Danes have torn up the Schengen agreement, and good for them, because the total free movement of peoples is a completely irresponsible thing to have done. Public opinion is saying that, whilst they want a European cooperation – yes, of course I agree with that – what they do not want is this Europe, run by unelected bureaucrats like Mr Barroso. You say the EU is fantastic in a recent comment. You are supporting the destruction of national democracy. But it is with reference to Greece that I am most concerned about you because, when faced with their recent enslavement, you said: ‘we lived for many years as a non-sovereign country, under Soviet occupation. For us, European integration is not a threat to sovereignty because we experienced not long ago a serious threat to our sovereignty’. So what are you saying? That this is not quite as bad as the USSR? Is that really good enough for your people? And today you describe Greece’s problems as trivial. I am sorry; there are hundreds of thousands of people out there on the streets of Greece fighting to get their democracy back. It beggars belief that you and our President, Mr Buzek, can talk about the Solidarity movement, about Poland getting its democracy back 20 years ago. Yet here you are, surrendering the democracy and sovereignty of Poland to a failed European Union. Yes, sir. We all want a shared European cooperation for the future, but this most definitely is not the model."@en1

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