Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-06-22-Speech-3-122-000"

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"Madam President, I would echo group colleagues and other colleagues in adding my own congratulations to our rapporteur. This has not been an easy job for him – or indeed any of us – and the report before us has been much improved through joint working and has much to admire within it. I particularly like the idea of the continuation of direct payments and the explicit removal of the historical reference values in paragraph 15 and the fairer distribution between Member States, and within Member States in the regions and nations within them, in paragraph 16. Coming from Scotland, I am particularly glad to see a strong statement in favour of less favoured areas in paragraph 82. I know that farmers in Scotland – and everywhere else too – will be glad to see paragraph 44, which contains an explicit statement that cross-compliance should be risk-based and proportional. Commissioner, perhaps you could mention that paragraph in particular to some of your auditor colleagues. While there is much to admire in this report, let us be honest with ourselves and with our voters. Unless we have paragraph 1, all of this is pointless – and paragraph 1, where we call for a strong and sustainable CAP with a budget commensurate with the ambitious objectives, will be pointless too. Like other colleagues, I wish to express my own concern, not least at today’s rumours that President Barroso is looking to make swingeing cuts to the budget and Pillar Two in particular. Commissioner, you are going to need all the allies you can get in these discussions within the Commission and with the Member States. We must have a CAP that is properly funded and properly ambitious for our farmers and our citizens. European agriculture has a great story to tell. Now is not the time to fall out over minutiae."@en1

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