Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-06-09-Speech-4-228-000"

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"Mr President, the Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left took the decision not to associate itself with this resolution on Guantánamo. We do not deplore its substance; rather, we find it pretty feeble. For my part, I regret the way in which we worked on drafting this resolution. How cautious we have been in the way we have talked about condemning the human rights violations perpetrated by a country which claims to be the greatest democracy in the world, which still has the death penalty, and for which Guantánamo is an illustration to the world of human rights and international law violations committed in the name of combating terrorism. Men have been held in detention for almost ten years on this part of Cuban territory for the sole purpose of bypassing US legal jurisdiction and in spite of the lack of evidence against some of them. For those men, this is a case of arbitrary detention. Worse still, some of them have been tortured, including on European soil: in Romania, in Lithuania and in Poland. This must not be spoken of, however. We can lecture the entire world on human rights but we are incapable of enforcing them on our own territory. We must not even speak of it today, in this resolution! I regret this most sincerely and I do not think that this is how we will promote respect for human rights in the world. Yes, it is essential to prevent the death sentence being imposed on Mr Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri and on many others, but we could have condemned more strongly the position of the United States in this regard, while regretting, at the very least, the change in attitude on the part of President Obama, particularly with regard to military tribunals."@en1

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