Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-06-06-Speech-1-238-000"

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"Mr President, the Commission welcomes Parliament’s remarks and suggestions. I am pleased to see that we agree on the majority of issues. Most of all, the Commission appreciates that the continuing dialogue in the context of democratic scrutiny has produced very good results. We only regret that Parliament does not feel that some of its resolutions on programming were respected in every detail, although the Commission has taken full account of Parliament’s view wherever possible. Regarding cooperation on global public goods, the Commission would point out that, in general, this may meet the criteria of official development assistance (ODA) and the EU should therefore continue financing ODA-related cooperation on global public goods under the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI). Nevertheless, a separate partnership instrument will concentrate on cooperation of EU interest and will be complemented by a thematic programme addressing civil society organisations and local authorities. Likewise, projects financed under the thematic programme for migration and asylum generally count as ODA. Thematic cooperation programmes such as ‘Investing in People’ will continue to address all the millennium development goals, as we must not neglect the interrelationship between them. While budgetisation of the European Development Fund does not currently seem feasible, the Commission nevertheless intends to pursue the issue with Member States, taking into account, primarily, the objectives and principles of the Cotonou Agreement. With regard to the use of delegated acts, the Commission refers to President Barroso’s letter of 7 March 2011, indicating that a new architecture will reflect the new institutional context. One important element will be flexibility in the programming process, so that funding and priorities can adapt to today’s rapidly changing world. This could be done by the introduction of significant elements of the delegated acts procedure, fully respecting the criteria established in Article 290. In conclusion, the Commission welcomes Parliament’s report. It constitutes useful input in the preparation of the follow-up instrument to the DCI under the next Multiannual Financial Framework."@en1

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