Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-05-11-Speech-3-490-000"

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"Madam President, Mrs Győri, Mr Dalli, ladies and gentlemen, I have been involved in many negotiation processes here in Parliament, but the 12 hours of this conciliation procedure, which lasted from 19:00 to 07:00 the next morning, will remain in my memory for a long time. This was a very special event. Unfortunately, the two sides came from different planets. Parliament’s approach was clear, which was to focus on the interests of consumers and of the citizens of the EU. Others were considering the interests of the meat and agriculture industries. Because of these divergent approaches, we were not able to reach an agreement. This is a pity, because we now have a gap in the EU food legislation which we need to close very quickly. We were all relatively clear about this, including Mr Pittella, who acted as chair, and the rapporteur. The entire team was pulling together. Now we need to take the next step. We must fill this gap. Mr Dalli, you must present two proposals: one on novel foods, because we have almost reached a consensus on this with regard to nanomaterials, the centralised approval process and imports from third countries. The other proposal concerns cloning. You have listened to everything that we have to say on this subject. We do not want these products on the European market. At the very least, we want them to be labelled, because consumers should have freedom of choice. That is your job and Parliament is ready to support you. I hope you will be able to submit a proposal very soon."@en1

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