Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-05-10-Speech-2-439-750"

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"I voted in favour of this document. Presented after the unprecedented floods that devastated last summer a vast portion of Pakistan’s territory, the Commission’s proposal seeks to extend autonomous trade preferences to this country concerning 75 product lines of interest to Pakistan (mostly textile and clothing) in the form of exemption from custom duties, with the exception of one product (ethanol) for which a tariff-rate quota would apply. However, although the autonomous trade preferences would be extended to Pakistan for 3 years, a full impact assessment of the proposed measures has not been carried out by the Commission prior to the adoption of the proposal for a regulation. In addition, it should be noted that the Commission’s proposal does not impose any burden on Pakistan in the field of human and social rights, contrary to what would have happened had GSP+ status been granted to this country. Although it might be argued that, due to the particular set of circumstances that led to the decision to grant autonomous trade preferences to Pakistan, the proposed measures will not create a binding precedent, this explanation is not entirely convincing. Indeed, it cannot be excluded that the decision to grant autonomous trade preferences for flood-stricken Pakistan may be followed by other similar initiatives in the future. Furthermore, there is a risk that adopting autonomous trade preferences decoupled from any kind of human rights conditionality would in fact undermine the current system of EU preferences based on the respect of a set of fundamental rights and values."@en1

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