Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-04-06-Speech-3-398-500"

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"The European Union comprises a tableau of different nations, cultures, opinions and beliefs which, in the current social and political climate, must be represented uniformly and supported equally in legislative forums, whether national or European. The concept of representativity forms the basis for building Europe and it will have to be maintained and supported because this is the only way in which the project of a united Europe can have any meaning. I think that relaxing the funding regime for political parties at European level may help strengthen and promote in the future the principle of representative democracy and, consequently, the interests of all European citizens, who contribute to the Union budget. In the process of moving from the concept of a European ‘polis’ to the sense of a European political identity, we must strive towards simplifying direct contact between European citizens and political parties. Mrs Giannakou emphasises in her report that this cannot be achieved without reviewing the status and funding of European parties. The focus must be placed, as is well set out in the report, on cutting the red tape to do with the procedures for granting funding, combined, however, with the introduction of harsh penalties in the event of irregularities or non-compliance with existing regulations. This is why I voted in favour of this report."@en1

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