Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-02-16-Speech-3-157-000"

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"Mr President, not so long ago, the European Court of Justice ruled that Germany must have greater transparency with regard to its occupational pensions and that it must put these pensions out to public tender. I had great expectations that this would be a ruling that would have a knock-on effect on other countries in Europe. This, unfortunately, did not happen, and the Commission has not been willing to put pressure on other countries that tie their people to certain pensions. Therefore, it is also important that the European Parliament has now determined that pension systems shall have an earning capacity for citizens. There is to be transparency with regard to costs and returns and we must remove the barriers to mobility across borders. All of these are good and sound liberal principles, but if we take this to its logical conclusion, people should also be able to move their pensions from one fund to another if the unemployment or pension fund that they have been assigned to by their trade union or employer does not do its job properly. We did not achieve that much this time round, but we have nevertheless taken a step in the right direction today, and I think this is good for the internal market and for citizens’ chances of getting a decent return on their pensions."@en1

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