Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-02-15-Speech-2-303-750"

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"The process of transposing the Services Directive is based on a delicate procedure that aims to create transparency and consistency in the Member States’ systems with reference to the outcomes of the implementation of the directive itself, as well as to evaluate the outcomes for the internal market following transposition. This is the objective of the report, which I voted in favour of given the need to verify the work of the Member States. Promoting the convergence of regulations through mutual assessment of their effective transposition would not only facilitate the work of the Member States (which are running so late that in this report, Parliament deems it necessary to monitor their work) but would also set a definite framework for the system of points of single contact, which will guarantee the flow of information to small and medium-sized enterprises. I should merely like to note that our economy is based 75% on services and that in a global market, they must certainly represent our strong point. I believe that greater liberalisation, which does not mean a lack of rules but merely more competition, is desirable for the future."@en1

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