Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-02-14-Speech-1-116-000"

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"Mr President, radioactivity is something of a mysterious topic and one about which people generally have reservations. What they are afraid of, in particular, is the fact that, although radiation cannot be seen or felt, it can cause great harm to living beings. However, it also has many positive characteristics, which is why it is used in both medicine and research, for research into materials, for sterilisation and for power generation. If we are to take advantage of such benefits, we obviously need to respond properly to people’s fears and we need to ensure their safety. Our rapporteur, Mr Belet, made an excellent job of that when he drafted amendments to the regulation which addresses contamination of food and feed in case of nuclear accidents. I congratulate him on these amendments and I sincerely hope that the Commission will change its opinion and that it will pay greater attention to what our rapporteur has said. I also hope that the Council will take more seriously Parliament’s efforts in this regard, although I am very saddened and concerned about the fact that the representative of the Council is no longer present. I wonder whether this is a sign of ignorance of the European Parliament’s opinion on the situation in the field of nuclear energy. I believe that the Council and the Commission will have to take into account the democratic development which has been in evidence since the adoption of the Euratom Treaty, that is, from somewhere around 1958, and pay more attention to what acts Parliament is adopting in the field of nuclear energy. Otherwise, we might have to open Pandora’s box, or the Euratom Treaty."@en1

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