Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-12-16-Speech-4-049"

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"Mr President, according to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the conclusion of this agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation needs the consent of Parliament before the agreement can come into force. I want to thank the Committee on Culture and Education, and particularly its chair, Doris Pack, for their constructive approach to the agreement. Since Switzerland refused to join the European Economic Area, no agreement, until now, has allowed direct or indirect cooperation in education between the EU and Switzerland. However, Switzerland has, for a long time, shown interest in our education and youth programmes. It has even developed a national support system to encourage partnerships with EU Member States’ organisations active in these programmes. Furthermore, Switzerland has participated in the Bologna Process and the creation of the European Higher Education Area. Switzerland has also followed closely, albeit from the outside, the debate on education policies in the European Union. Switzerland will be the first country to take part in our programmes that is neither an EU Member State nor a member of the European Economic Area, nor a current or potential EU candidate. The Commission welcomes the participation of Switzerland in the two programmes. The agreement will allow Swiss education and youth organisations, as well as individual students, teachers and young people, to participate in the EU’s Youth in Action and Lifelong Learning programmes on completely equal terms with EU citizens. Projects and initiatives submitted by participants from Switzerland will be subject to the same conditions, rules and procedures that apply to projects from Member States. Switzerland has established a national agency to coordinate implementation of the programmes at national level. It will make an annual financial contribution to each of the programmes and will attend programme committee meetings as an observer for the points that concern Switzerland. Thank you, honourable Members, for the good work you have done in this case."@en1

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