Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-12-15-Speech-3-007"

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"Mr President, President of the Commission, Commissioner, honourable Members, on behalf of the Council I should like to thank you, Mr President, for this opportunity to come before Parliament to present to you the issues that will be discussed by the European Council. By all accounts, the European Council meeting tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be decisive for the strengthening of the economic pillar of Economic and Monetary Union. The major item on the agenda will in fact be the reinforcement of financial stability. We are living in exceptional times, which have created and continue to create significant challenges for both governments and citizens. We need to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the current financial crisis is overcome and confidence is restored. Since the start of the crisis we have demonstrated our determination to take the necessary measures to preserve financial stability and to promote a return to sustainable growth. In particular, the crisis has highlighted the need for an additional instrument to preserve the stability of the euro area. We had to establish an ad hoc mechanism, which we have just used to support Ireland. However, we really need a permanent mechanism in the medium term. To this end, and in close consultation with the President of the European Council, at the next meeting of the European Council tomorrow morning, the Belgian Government will submit a proposal for a decision to change the Treaty with a view to establishing a mechanism to safeguard the financial stability of the entire euro area by amending Article 136. The European Council will be called upon to give its consent to this draft decision and to the launch of the simplified revision procedure as provided for by Article 48.6 of the Treaty on European Union. The objective is the formal adoption of the decision in March 2011 and its entry into force on 1 January 2013. In addition, the implementation of the report of the Task Force on economic governance endorsed by the European Council in October is an important step towards increased fiscal discipline, broader economic surveillance and deeper coordination. This issue, to which we attach a great deal of importance, is currently before both Parliament and the Council and should be concluded by next summer. Finally, I should like to underline the importance of the new Europe 2020 Strategy for growth and employment, which plays an important role in getting us out of the crisis. The Belgian Presidency has been committed to moving forward with its implementation, so as to pave the way for sustainable economic recovery. In addition to these economic issues, I would like to make two further points. The European Council will deal with the Union’s relations with its strategic partners. The Foreign Affairs Council, chaired by Baroness Ashton, prepared progress reports on three of its partners, the United States, China and Russia. The European Council will therefore listen carefully to Baroness Ashton’s presentation on the Union’s relations with its strategic partners. Baroness Ashton will also be called upon to take this approach with other partners, such as Ukraine, Africa, India and Brazil, and to present a report in March 2011 describing the situation regarding her contacts with our partners. My final point concerns the application for accession to the European Union submitted by Montenegro. The General Affairs Council welcomed the opinion of the Commission on Montenegro. The country has made progress in meeting the political criteria set by the Copenhagen European Council and the requirements of the stabilisation and association process. Nonetheless, further efforts are needed, especially to implement seven key priorities set out in the Commission opinion. Taking account of the Commission proposal, the Council recommended granting Montenegro the status of candidate country and this issue will be examined by the European Council."@en1

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