Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-20-Speech-3-285"

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"The Treaty of Lisbon entered into force on 1 December last year. It confers new powers on the European Union: hence, new opportunities for spending money. No one or hardly anyone here has the decency to highlight that there is something scandalous about asking for an increase in resources allocated to the European Union or the creation of a new tax when Member States are being ordered to practise austerity and to slash their social protection. In France, Europe has an enormous direct cost: EUR 8 billion per year, a figure that is increasing all the time. In other words, it accounts for a major part of the social security deficit, for example. The indirect cost is even greater, in terms of unemployment, weak growth, relocations, and so on, linked to European policies. The European budget is not complementary to national budgets; it competes with and raids them. With structural policy cofinancing systems, which are nothing other than a sprinkling of patronage, it is also an incitement to spending. An aggravating circumstance is this: for 15 years, the European Court of Auditors has been unable to approve the management by the Commission of these tens of billions of euro. I believe it is time to have done with all this."@en1

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