Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-19-Speech-2-405"

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"Mr President, a review of budgets is always necessary. It applies to families, to the European Union, and it even applied to Fagin in . When his little enterprise of picking a pocket or two was not working out, he said, ‘I think we have got to think it out again’. It is good that we are thinking it out again here as well. Particularly, we can do a lot to make what we are trying to do more acceptable to the Member States and the citizens. Firstly, the target of reducing red tape by 25% – and hopefully more – is very desirable and very sellable. Secondly, we need to stop scoring own goals. Unfortunately, I am in agreement with some of the Eurosceptics who said that increasing the entertainment budget was not a sensible thing to do. It was grist to the mill to the Eurosceptics and I think it disappointed Euro-enthusiasts. Thirdly – and very importantly – the whole question of creating own resources is most desirable. I think our President, Mr Daul, said it very well when he said that a euro spent at European level is better value than a euro spent at Member State level. I think we should be going along that line and particularly encouraging venture capitalists looking at euro project bonds to finance the various projects we need. We have an R&D target of 3%. This is absolutely vital for Europe if we are to be competitive and create the jobs we need. We also need to keep a strongly funded CAP – pillar one to ensure that the rural society is not denuded of people, and pillar two to ensure the delivery of public goods. As well as that, the renewable energy targets and CO emissions cannot be compromised on – nor, of course, cohesion policy, which has been very successful. If we can achieve all that, we will eventually have a 4% increase in GDP and 5.6 million extra jobs by 2020."@en1
"Oliver Twist"1

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